Share Love Coloring Page

Today is Valentine’s Day. Like most holidays around my home, Valentine’s Day serves as inspiration for new creative projects. Cards, crafts, and cookies are typical gifts among my family. As I write this, my husband asked if we had any flaked coconut. My guess is it won’t be long before the smell of baked goodies is wafting through the air. Mmmm.
While having my coffee this morning, I began doodling in my art journal thinking about this holiday, it’s traditions, and what it means in a year when many across the globe are practicing social distancing. The history of Valentine’s Day is a bit of a mystery, but the focus throughout the years has been LOVE. We need not be face to face to express this Divine gift. Whether one celebrates romantic love with a partner, a focus on self-love & compassion, devotional love, or altruistic love as in “love thy neighbor,” LOVE is well worth honoring on this day. Contemplating these ideas my journal page became a visual representation of radiating love from my own center and linking it with hearts around the world in a celebration of love.
To further this connection between my heart and yours, I would like to share my completed black and white drawing with you. I invite you to use it as a coloring page or simply use it as a centering meditation on LOVE in your life. Share how you use your page on social media by tagging @UnityArtsMinistry or using the hashtag #art4unity. I would LOVE to see it!
Wishing you love & blessings on your creative journey,
Rev. Jen
Click this link to Download and Print your copy: Share_Love_Coloring_Page