Wishes & Dreams
“Dreams and wishes, wishes and dreams… Sometimes they work, and sometimes they don’t. you never know how they’ll turn out in the end.” -Audrey Wood, Jubal’s Wish
December is often a time of creating wish lists. Usually they are in the form of potential gifts we would like to receive from family or friends. This year, I invite you to start a new tradition of asking yourself what you’d like – that perhaps no one can buy you at a store or even find on Amazon.
What creative dreams and wishes do you have for your life? Do you long to sing in front of an audience; to launch a new career; to travel to Europe; to make a sacred altar; to have a solo art show…???
Take the time to sit with this question. If you had all the time and money in the world, what would you LOVE to do? If you are keeping a Visual Journal, this would be a wonderful prompt to start your next journal page. Let your mind wander as you fill your page with possibilities in paint, crayons, photos, or ink. You never know where your dreams will take you – if you listen to them!
The image above was created with water color paints and then the quote added over the dry paint with Sharpie marker.
I wish you joy & happiness on your creative journey,
Rev. Jen