Creating Space for Divine Soulutions and New Adventures
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Creating Space for Divine Soulutions and New Adventures

Creating Space for Divine Solutions and New Adventures by Rev. Diana Kennedy Are you ready to feel a greater sense of adventure in your life? Perhaps you’ve been feeling what Ralph Waldo Emerson referred to as “divine discontent”, which often begins with feelings of frustration, a search for more, or even boredom, a dull heartache…

Blank Canvas ~ Beginner’s Mind
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Blank Canvas ~ Beginner’s Mind

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.” —Shunryu Suzuki, Zen teacher When making art, beginning can often feel like the most vulnerable part. The beginning is the space of unlimited possibilities…and total emptiness. There can be fear and anxieties present in our minds. How do we respond to…

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The Creative, Nurturing Aspect of the Divine

In this Mother’s Day video titled “Nature of the Divine: God as Mother, Nurture” (put out by Unity Worldwide Ministries), a quote by Unity co-founder Myrtle Fillmore is shared that expresses spiritual Truth: “You represent the feminine aspect of God as you nurture another.” The Divine Feminine is a creative, nurturing aspect of the Divine…