Help us create safe and supportive community environments both online and in person. Please read through the UAM community guidelines below.
Honoring Community Agreements
Unity Arts Ministry is a welcoming and affirming ministry. Participation in Unity Arts Ministry programming indicates an agreement to:
Foster a safe and supportive community through empathy and compassion.
Welcome with respect individuals of all walks of life including but not limited to: socioeconomic levels, belief systems, ethnicities, races, sexualities, gender identities, mental and physical abilities.
Acknowledge that the individual comments and opinions of program participants, volunteers, small group or forum members do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Unity Arts Ministry or it’s staff.
Use words and actions that are affirming, kind and supportive towards others and myself.
Refrain from intentionally engaging in behavior or speech that causes others or myself physical or emotional discomfort. And to respectfully discontinue should others indicate their discomfort.
Respect participant confidentiality. Honor the privacy of personal information and experience shared during programming. Ask permission before taking personal photos or videos of individuals.
Reason things out directly should I feel my physical, emotional or relational needs or boundaries were not met by others. And to listen to and respect the needs and boundaries of others. Refer to the Conflict Resolution Steps.
Ask for the assistance of a UAM volunteer, instructor or director if I am unable to reason things out directly with another or feel unsafe doing so.
Use all materials, tools and supplies within the UAM studio as they are intended. To ask for assistance if unsure how to properly use a material, tool or supply before using it.
To put all materials, tools, furniture and supplies back in their proper place at the end of the program.
Understand that if I choose to not adhere to the community guidelines I may be asked to leave by UAM volunteers, facilitators, or staff. In the event that I must leave from a paid event, I waive the right to any financial refund.
As we open our hearts in community, we also open awareness of individual needs and comfort levels. Please familiarize yourself with the following information. If we do not answer your questions or concerns below, please use the form above or email us at