Available Online Courses

A woman painting with text, "FREE Claiming Your Expressive Queen with Rev. Jen Hutchins."

Claiming Your Expressive Queen

Unleash your inner expressive queen in this empowering 30-minute mini-workshop. This session is designed to help you embrace your authentic self. Discover tools for self-expression, personal growth, and confidence through this creative practice.

FREE $29.99

A woman with the words "Empowered An Art Journal Journey Cultivate your power. Transform your life."

Empowered: Harnessing Your Spiritual Powers Through Art Journaling

Explore your 12-powers through art journaling in this interactive and community focused 12-month course. This program is designed to enhance your understanding of Unityโ€™s 12 Powers with creative practices that connect mind, body, and spirit. Great resource for Unity small group study!*


Paintbrushes and paint with the text, "Introduction to Art Journaling with Jen Hutchins."

Introduction to Art Journaling

Begin your art journaling journey with this beginner-friendly course. This is a practical course for practical spirituality. In it you will explore techniques to blend creativity and reflection, fostering a deeper connection to your thoughts and emotions.


About Art Journaling

Art journaling is a creative process that can deepen your spiritual practice. Discover how art journaling inspired the founder of Unity Arts Ministry, Jen Hutchins. Sign up for one of our online courses to learn more!